Friday, January 18, 2013

Thanks For Our "Linkiest" Week Ever -- and Have A Good Weekend

This week we have seen a tremendous amount of activity for out little slice of the economic blogsphere.

First, Abnormal Returns linked to several of our pieces over the week.

Second, yesterday Professor DeLong listed us on his frequently read reading list.

Third, Business Insider and Seeking Alpha picked up a few of our pieces.

And yesterday and today, NDD's piece holding ECRI to task for their recession call was linked to by FT Alphaville, Real Clear Markets, Barry Ritholtz and Tim Iocano. 

For both NDD and I, this blog is a labor of love.  We both find economics and finance utterly fascinating and enjoy writing about it.  We are also both very honored and flattered to be mentioned by some of the most esteemed and well-regarded economic bloggers around.

For those of you new to the blog, I take the weekend off.  NDD will post a piece tomorrow on high frequency indicators.  And while I usually publish pictures of our dogs to head into the weekend, this week I wanted to acknowledge the many gracious shout-outs from our peers. 

Until Monday, have a good and safe weekend.

NDD here with one caveat:  We're still pining away for the HOLY GRAIL OF PROGRESSIVE ECONOMIC BLOGGING, however ... a positive link from Paul Krugman.  So if someone wants to take him out and get him liquored up or something to help move things along on our behalf, that would be just fine with us.